Fuji City Guidebook

Fuji City Guidebook

View point

  • Factory Night View
    Factory Night View
    Factory Night View

    Factory night view of the charm of Fuji City, all is said and done "co-star of Mt. Fuji and the factory night view". Receiving the grace of spring water from Mt. Fuji, the paper industry developed in Fuji City. There is a history of the factory was established in the vicinity of the dotted spring water. For that reason, factories are scattered in various places, take root is breath of nature and life of each season there. It dwells a rich personality in every single factory night view. Moreover, Gakunan train, running in the city is passing through the factory, you can enjoy the factory night view from the train window.

  • Obuchi Sasaba tea fields
    Obuchi Sasaba tea fields

    Mt. Fuji, in the backdrop of tea fields is an impressive sight. This is one of the few spots in Shizuoka prefecture where you can take photos of Mt. Fuji and the tea fields together with no obstructions. As a result, it's often covered by the media and attracts both professional and amateur photographers alike. It's also a very popular spot for overseas visitors.

  • Spring Water Park
    Spring Water Park

    Rainfall on Mt.Fuji seeps into the lava and long years later the rainwater spring out from between the lava. In Fuji City, there are some spring points. This spring water is used for making paper. It is also believed to have healing effects.

  • Yoroigafuchi Water Park
    Yoroigafuchi Water Park


  • Harada Spring-Water pond Park
    Harada Spring-Water pond Park